Active Projects

CLIMB: Cloud Connected Bionic Limbs

CLIMB aims to develop the next generation of bionic limbs, featuring an unprecedented degree of intelligence through cloud connectivity and 5G technology. By leveraging the high throughput and low latency of 5G networks, cloud-connected bionic limbs will offer more reliable, responsive, and intuitive user experiences. The interdisciplinary nature of the project team, combined with cutting-edge technology, provides an enormous potential to revolutionize assistive robotics and create effective solutions for individuals with disabilities.

People involved: Cedomir Stefanovic (co-PI), Hossam Mohamed Farag, Ozan Karaali (PhD student employed on the project)
Funding: Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF projekt 2)
Budget: 6,189,788 DKK
Duration: 01/07/2023 → 31/12/2026

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I3LUNG: Integrative science, Intelligent data platform for Individualized LUNG cancer care with Immunotherapy

I3LUNG is a European project funded under the framework of the H2020 call “Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care”. Our consortium gathers 16 partners located worldwide characterized by different expertise, with the common goal of providing better assistance and individualize treatment for patients affected by metastatic lung cancer. The project will set up a global platform comprising data from 2 000 patients for AI models validation; moreover, it will collect multi-omics data from 200 NSCLC patients for information integration and application in leading immunotherapy decisions.

People involved: Sokol Kosta (PI), Michele Zanitti (PhD student)
Funding: Horizon Europe
Budget: € 9 996 697,50
Duration: 01/06/2022 → 31/05/2027

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CLEVER: Collaborative edge-cLoud continuum and Embedded AI for a Visionary industry of thE futuRe

CLEVER proposes a series of innovations in hardware accelerators, design stack, and middleware software that revolutionize the ability of edge computing platforms to operate federatedly, leveraging sparse resources that are coordinated to create a powerful swarm of resources. CLEVER technologies will support the deep edge computing paradigm, moving computing services closer to the end user or the source of the data to reduce power consumption, reduce capacity requirements, and latency for mission critical applications.

People involved: Sokol Kosta (PI), Nikhil Bhagwatrao Gaikwad (Postdoc), Ralf Lübben (Visiting researcher), Nickels Witte (Research assistant)
Funding: EU KDT-JU & partners’ countries national support (for AAU - Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD))
Budget: € 14 974 655,00 (EU contribution € 4 497 177,77)
Duration: 01/01/2023 → 31/12/2025

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QUARC: Quantum Resistant Communications: Advance Learning in applied PQC Training

QUARC will train 8 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) through an outstanding training program that includes coordinated research in different cryptography areas, focusing on implementation. QUARC is an industrial doctorate, and besides a 50% of their time located in an industrial partner, each DC will be also exposed to a set of training initiatives in the areas of relevance for industry and receive the support of an external advisory board made out of experts in the field. QUARC establishes a well-balances, interdisciplinary, intersectoral and innovative training network, with an overarching theme of quality and edginess - research as a training tool to push the current state-of-the-art in PQC.

People involved: Sokol Kosta (PI), Knud Erik Skouby (co-PI), Dimosthenis Iliadis-Apostolidis (DC), Jerónimo Sánchez García (DC)
Funding: EU Horizon Europe MSCA DN
Budget: € 2 215 893,60
Duration: 01/09/2022 → 31/08/2026

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FGPE++: Gamified Programming Learning at Scale

The project aims is to provide a framework for application of gamification to programming education, including the specifications, collection of gamified exercises and software. The project aims at increasing the educational potential of the FGPE framework by enhancing its usability for both students and teachers, by (1) enabling the automatic generation of gamified programming exercises, (2) enabling the effective use of the FGPE programming learning environment on mobile devices which are, for some period, disconnected from the Internet, (3) developing a full-fledged open online course for a popular programming language.

People involved: Sokol Kosta (PI)
Funding: EU Erasmus+
Budget: 250K EUR
Duration: 01/10/2023 → 30/09/2025

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Past projects